Welcome To The Next Mountain Blog

Welcome to the official Next Mountain Blog, where we discuss optimization, achievement, and performance, as well as our products, the company, and more.

Many of you have been with us for some time and know that the blog has undergone several iterations, with some content hosted on Medium.

Photo by Ian Taylor / Unsplash

Our founder also blogs on Medium. For example, constructing a virtual reunion during COVID-19 times:

, providing some alternatives to wanton gaming:

, explaining some lessons learned from building Next Mountain:

, relating some crypto-mining lessons learned:

, giving unsolicited advice to his nephews:

, answering questions and building communities:

, pontificating on data science, machine learning, and decision systems in some fun articles co-written with a co-founder when building a data science consulting firm from scratch:

, building knowledge products:

, and interview prep:

It's been a fun journey already, so strap in, buckle up, and get ready for the ride! A lot of performance-related content is coming your way!

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