Updated Website Address: Next Mountain Dot Co

As of yesterday, Next Mountain's main website at https://nxtmtn.com now redirects to https://nextmountain.co . This move is another piece of the refresh and update puzzle described in But Did I Do It: Product Updates And New Merchandise, and more updates are coming with our upcoming product evolution!

While we're refreshing and enhancing But Did I Do It, which is being renamed to Did I Do It? in preparation for extending the Android product to iOS and web, we're also preparing to release some of our previously planned products, shared or alluded to on our Product Lab, Books, and Courses pages. But that's not all, as you'll soon see over the coming months and years.

Next Mountain Dot Co

This change has been a long time coming. We considered changing the main company url from nxtmtn.com quite some time ago — Next Mountain registered the nextmountain.co domain in early 2017 — but moving an established website address is never completely easy, and there are 1,000 details to get right.

Emails, services, and website redirects are some of those details, and we aim toward a seamless process for our customers. To that end, several services and contacts at nxtmtn.com will be maintained to prevent service interruptions.

Naturally, our social media channels have been updated to use the new website address. Those will highlight many of our upcoming products, although many of the social media handles will continue to include some variation of the abbreviation nxtmtn, such as nxt_mtn, or of the company name nextmountain, such as next-mountain. These aren't new channels, but descriptions and links to websites have been updated.

Of course, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy updates are included in this refresh, for convenience.

Ongoing Updates And Product Launches

Why make this change now?

With the ongoing refreshes and launches, it's a natural time to consider the whole package and company image presentation. There's a lot more coming, so updating the website now made more sense than waiting until later.

Also, some people like seeing the company name in the url, rather than an abbreviation, which also makes sense. The abbreviation nxtmtn is simpler and faster to type, so we registered the .com domain there, but https://nextmountain.co was always a strong contender for the main domain location.

Upcoming Product Updates

As mentioned in But Did I Do It: Product Updates And New Merchandise, the But Did I Dot It app is getting a major overhaul and extension, while also being renamed to Did I Do It?, which customers prefer.

We're excited for all of the new products and updates coming soon!